America's Descent: How the Left's Assault on Christianity, the Constitution, and Truth Threatens Our Republic

July 4th week has passed and the forces dismantling America have made is quite clear that Christianity, The US Constitution, transparency, and truth is the greatest enemy of the democrat party and their definition of “democracy”.

To be honest for a brief moment, when Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or one the media pundits would state we have to stop Donald Trump and the Maga movement to protect “ democracy” I was a bit perplexed, until I realized that policy the left advances whether it is abortion on demand up to nine months, child genital mutilation, forced vaccination mandates or unconstitutional payment for student loans or letting millions of illegals come into the nation, and the allocation of tax payer funds to their existence , while forcing racist DEI and inhuman sexual indoctrination on children and at same time denying the need for voter verification laws-then logic confirms- these actions are counter to protecting democracy, it destroys it.

It finally dawned on me, the left is not interested in protecting democracy, they are solely focused solely on keeping power and protecting the institutions they control, and those institutions are trying to eradicate the rule of law, due process and the supremacy of the bill of rights from the public employee or private citizen who holds conservative values and follows Jesus Christ.

A glaring example of lefts assault on democracy was exposed recently by the actions of the DOJ doing a litmus test to unmask FBI agents that supported Donald Trump and had concerns about Covid Vaccine mandates or attended second amendment rallies - all within a citizen’s Constitutional right. Memos drafted by the FBI security division in 2022 site that several witnesses in the Spring of 2022 had been known to have vocalized support for Trump and objections to the Covid vaccination even after the supreme court struck down the vaccine mandates. As a Christian middle aged American, I could not have imagined my nation descending into this realm of a third world communist dictatorship and yet here we are watching the unthinkable unfold in the land of the free and home of the brave.

1 Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Isaiah 5:20

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

America’s decent into tyranny and depravity where everything is being inverted into to evil is undeniable. The Bible gives us profile to understand the nature of people that traffic in evil and an understanding of the prophetic timeline in which all Americans live.

We made it almost 250 years but like Rome the barbarians are at the gates, and they want revenge against the followers of Christ and the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic to godless communist surveillance state of total subjugation.

Ken DeMile

Ken DeMile is a martial artist, self-defense instructor, and technologist. He is former decorated national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Sport Ju Jitsu/MMA and Scottish Highland strength athlete competitor.

Ken has had the privilege of training, teaching, and learning from world class marital art teachers and fighters, as well as domestic and international military and police personnel.

Ken is the co-founder of DeMile Athletic Science DAS and DAS is a Seattle Washington based social media and software company that has developed patent pending wireless sports and tactical applications for measuring combative and fitness performance for individual / group training and competition.

Rank and Affiliations:

Blackbelt - Awarded by World Renowned Sijo James DeMile ( first generation student of Bruce Lee), and the Founder of Wing Chun Do,and former Special Forces Combatives Instructor with 1st Group.

Black Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF member/Competitor

Instructor - Cardio Self-Defense

Co-Founder of

Certified Krav Maga Instructor -WWKM

Certified - USCCA Concealed Firearm & Home Defense Instructor

Certified USA Boxing Coach - USA Olympic Coach Tom Mustane

Certified CrossFit Trainer

Certified AFAA Fitness Trainer


Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology

Competition and Awards:

2017 IBJJF World Masters Championship Division Gold Medalist and Absolute Bronze Medalist

2015 IBJJF Seattle International Championship Gold Medalist

2007 Can American Scottish Highland Games Amatuer Champion

2002 Special Force Combatives Reaction Speed Award Champion - Thailand

1998 ISJJA World Championship -Bronze Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu Washington State Champion - Gold Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu PNW Regional Champion - Gold Medalist


Biblical Truth vs. Leftist Slander: The Ongoing Battle Over Christianity in America


America’s Decline: Steve Bannon’s Imprisonment, Rising Violence, and the Parallel to Rome’s Fall