Biblical Truth vs. Leftist Slander: The Ongoing Battle Over Christianity in America

Drudge report posted an article from the Daily Mail the headline reads “Archaeologists find more evidence of the Bible story about Moses leading his people to the Promised Land 3,200 years ago”. This revelation is nothing new the artifacts from exodus of the ancient Hebrews has been proven and documented by many several archeologists and Bible Scholars.

And in lieu of yet another validation Biblical truth what is more interesting is the lefts visceral obsession of trying to discredit and malign Christians who believe and follow the Bible while not recognizing their complicity in the denying Christian free speech, freedom of Assocation and their supreme parental authority over their children. For decades now the political left, large corporations, Marxist academics and their media slanderers of tried suppressing the rights of American Christians who in most cases just want to be left alone.

On the same day of the Daily Mail article affirming another Archaeological finding of Moses leading the Hebrews out bondage. Drudge report post another hit piece on Christians and this leftist manufactured narrative called “Christian Nationalism”.

Hannah Allam ( not a Christian) hack journalist for the Washington Post wrote a work of slander highlighting that certain Christians believe that there is Spiritual war taking place and it may require physical response. The irony that she misses is that the entirety of the bible starts and ends with a spiritual war between God and Satan and an array of demons and fallen angels interacting and deceiving mankind - most notably in the political realm - but I digress.

She writes- To his most zealous Christian supporters, Donald Trump’s campaign is a crusade against “evil” liberal forces that must be vanquished by any means necessary to save the republic.

Democrats aren’t opponents, but enemies to be “smited.” Vice President Harris is depicted as Jezebel, the epitome of womanly wickedness who meets a grisly end. Teachers, librarians, drag queens — all perceived as introducing dangerous ideas to children — are condemned to drowning with millstones around their necks, a la Matthew 18:6.

Spiritual warfare is a central theme of Christian nationalist movements that are reshaping the GOP by preaching that the country’s theological identity is under attack and in urgent need of a revolution to put the faithful in charge. Their rhetoric has been galvanizing crowds at conservative gatherings all year, and is likely to be woven into messaging at the Republican National Convention, which starts Monday.

The movements’ biblical references, extremism monitors warn, soften violent and racist messaging, and offer plausible deniability should believers turn into vigilantes, as hundreds did during the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“You are either on the side of God or the side of the Devil,” said Miranda Zapor Cruz, a theologian at Indiana Wesleyan University, summing up the rhetoric. “If you are on the side of the Devil, then just about anything can be justified to cast you out, to eradicate your influence. And, for some people, that ‘just about anything’ would include physical violence.” You can read the rest- its complete projection and a total display of theological ignorance and spiritual blindness.

Ken DeMile

Ken DeMile is a martial artist, self-defense instructor, and technologist. He is former decorated national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Sport Ju Jitsu/MMA and Scottish Highland strength athlete competitor.

Ken has had the privilege of training, teaching, and learning from world class marital art teachers and fighters, as well as domestic and international military and police personnel.

Ken is the co-founder of DeMile Athletic Science DAS and DAS is a Seattle Washington based social media and software company that has developed patent pending wireless sports and tactical applications for measuring combative and fitness performance for individual / group training and competition.

Rank and Affiliations:

Blackbelt - Awarded by World Renowned Sijo James DeMile ( first generation student of Bruce Lee), and the Founder of Wing Chun Do,and former Special Forces Combatives Instructor with 1st Group.

Black Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF member/Competitor

Instructor - Cardio Self-Defense

Co-Founder of

Certified Krav Maga Instructor -WWKM

Certified - USCCA Concealed Firearm & Home Defense Instructor

Certified USA Boxing Coach - USA Olympic Coach Tom Mustane

Certified CrossFit Trainer

Certified AFAA Fitness Trainer


Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology

Competition and Awards:

2017 IBJJF World Masters Championship Division Gold Medalist and Absolute Bronze Medalist

2015 IBJJF Seattle International Championship Gold Medalist

2007 Can American Scottish Highland Games Amatuer Champion

2002 Special Force Combatives Reaction Speed Award Champion - Thailand

1998 ISJJA World Championship -Bronze Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu Washington State Champion - Gold Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu PNW Regional Champion - Gold Medalist


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