A Modern-Day Bolshevik Assault: Infowars, Censorship, and the Christian Response

Yesterday, demonic forces using human leftist proxies took down Infowars radio broadcast in act of revenge and sabotage against Alex Jones and his constituency of mostly Christian and patriotic defenders of individual freedom and children.

Alex Jones has been a target of the left going back to Obama administration. Alex although an imperfect man like all of us, has been doing the job that most Pastors neglect to do and that has been exposing the machinations of the godless rot that has infiltrated most Western governments and Corporations who have bended the knee to an ancient satanic agenda to depopulate the earth and advance a one world dystopian government.

Called a conspiracy theorist and purveyor of misinformation, Alex Jones has all been but vindicated having garnered the receipts and exposed the lies and the ongoing persecution of Christians, American patriots, sanctioned government murder, false imprisonment, child sexual grooming and genital mutilation, government and corporate corruption, and the perpetual spiritual, psychological, and physical assault on innocent American men, women, and children.

Using corrupt judiciary and rigged trials Infowars.com website was also taken down.

Infowars was a repository of useful reporting and data and a source of hope for the Common Christian working man.

Infowars was taken down by unscrupulous people to advance an anti-human and Anti-Christ Agenda, an agenda that Alex openly exposed and defied to protect Christians and Americas Constitutional foundations. This lawless assault on free speech should be a lesson to all Christians in America that the left doesn’t ask permission because in their godless demonic world view-the ends justify the means and patriotic Christians are just 21st Kulaks to this modern Bolsheviks infestation of government and media reminding us all “There is nothing new under the sun”

Ken DeMile

Ken DeMile is a martial artist, self-defense instructor, and technologist. He is former decorated national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Sport Ju Jitsu/MMA and Scottish Highland strength athlete competitor.

Ken has had the privilege of training, teaching, and learning from world class marital art teachers and fighters, as well as domestic and international military and police personnel.

Ken is the co-founder of DeMile Athletic Science DAS and thefittestwarrior.com. DAS is a Seattle Washington based social media and software company that has developed patent pending wireless sports and tactical applications for measuring combative and fitness performance for individual / group training and competition.

Rank and Affiliations:

Blackbelt - Awarded by World Renowned Sijo James DeMile ( first generation student of Bruce Lee), and the Founder of Wing Chun Do,and former Special Forces Combatives Instructor with 1st Group.

Black Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF member/Competitor

Instructor - Cardio Self-Defense

Co-Founder of thefittestwarrior.com

Certified Krav Maga Instructor -WWKM

Certified - USCCA Concealed Firearm & Home Defense Instructor

Certified USA Boxing Coach - USA Olympic Coach Tom Mustane

Certified CrossFit Trainer

Certified AFAA Fitness Trainer


Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology

Competition and Awards:

2017 IBJJF World Masters Championship Division Gold Medalist and Absolute Bronze Medalist

2015 IBJJF Seattle International Championship Gold Medalist

2007 Can American Scottish Highland Games Amatuer Champion

2002 Special Force Combatives Reaction Speed Award Champion - Thailand

1998 ISJJA World Championship -Bronze Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu Washington State Champion - Gold Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu PNW Regional Champion - Gold Medalist


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