America at a Crossroads: The Violent Agenda Threatening Biblical Values and the Future of the Christian Nation

In the aftermath of last Saturday the reality has truly set in that we live in a time of unprecendented chaos and confusion. Everything that is normal, that is traditional, that is sacred, the is innocent, the virtuous, that is decent, that is life promoting, that brings hope, and that is true hangs in the balance.

What was once known to be true and held in common in America and the West is being dismantled and it’s not random. This transition is being forced and the assassination attempt on the former President of the United States Donald J. Trump is symbolic of this violent agenda against the American way of life once represented by a bustling middle class and undergirded by the faith in Biblical values and traditions carried out about the common Christian families.

Since America’s founding the defining principles of its greatness are embodied in two primary realities, the Christian (Protestant) work ethic and the broad consensus that regardless of race or religion we all endowed by the Creator the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

August 8th 2024 AD Harris /Walz ticket - The implications to freedom for Christians in America and abroad. Recently reported in World Net Daily Paula Collins, who is seeking the seat for New York's 21st district made the following comments:

"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we've gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don't think we really want call it that," she said.

Recognizing her mistake. She tried to cover herself by saying:

"I'm sure we can find another way to phrase it," she said.

"We currently have lawmakers, including Rep. Elise Stefanik, who mis-quote or mis-understand the law," Collins told Fox News Digital. "Even if MAGA were to be resoundingly defeated, we would need to engage in widespread civics education, which both red and blue voters acknowledge has been slipping in recent years."

She claimed there's a basic misunderstanding of the different routes in the justice system, the state system and the federal.

She said the quite part out loud, she reflexively revealed her contempt for half the country and the US Constitution which law makers swear an oath on the Holy Bible to defend. It is now frightenedly clear that half the congress are traitors against the US Constitution, but against God and His People.

This brings us to Harris and Walsh who like Ms. Collins are unabashed Bolsheviks: they are so emboldened and full of hubris that they scream the quiet part out loud and slander anyone who disagrees as being “weird” which is actually weird and terrifying to consider.

Considering that they promote the idea that protecting our borders, and lowering fuel costs by drilling for oil from our own resources is weird-is it?

They promote the idea that protecting young children from sexual grooming, sexual indoctrination and genital castration is weird- weird how? What is weird as if the left no longer hides it worship of Baal Astoreth and Molloch.

They promote the idea that denying that two men can have a baby, and the men can’t become women and that there are more than two genders is not only weird, but oppressive. Oppressive to who??

They promote that decreasing taxes and regulations helping the economy by reducing inflation and increasing personal income is weird- people having more of their own money is weird? please explain how that is weird to the working class!

They promote idea that keeping the border safe and secure after millions of illegal aliens have crossed into the United State at unpresented numbers over the last four years is weird. How can you protect a nation if you are unwilling to protect its border?? Explanation Please!

They promote idea that there is no such thing as an illegal alien because they are all asylum seekers . What is weird is that these asylum seekers rape and kill American women and rob and murder American citizens with impunity, but that’s not weird according to the left who absurdly claim it part of normal global migration patterns caused by climate change.

They fawn over Muslims while promoting anti-Israel policies, while Jewish Americans have to run and cover their identities on college campuses, meanwhile they slander and sanction the arrest of Christian Americans who don’t want perverse sexual indoctrination agendas foisted upon their children as completely normal and enlightened.

They arrest Christians who peacefully protest against child sacrifice clinics as protecting freedom and choice as lawful, normal and justified- but thugs who burn down cities, businesses, kill police officers and citizens in remembrance of another thug as moral and righteous, yet those who try to defend their cities from this murderous carnage and destructions of their life’s work and communities are criminals and thus are falsely and deliberately labeled weird. If you have any doubt about is weird and what is normal the answer can be found in the Bible

This is a Marxist method of false labeling. A longstanding method of dehumanizing a target by falsely framing them as a threat to a a narrative or agenda used to control the historically and politically ignorant constituency that is led by their lower carnal disposition.

The latest usage of the term “weird” is a political tactic to describe Donald Trump, JD Vance and their supporters as out of touch and to protect, and promote the most dangerous Marxist candidate that the globalist power structure wants to install in their unrelenting attempt to take down the last free Christian nation on earth. After George W. Bush laid down the surveillance groundwork, they advanced with Obama, Trump caused a brief stall, they made significant progress with Biden and are hoping Kamala Harris can finish the collapse of America into Globalist control.

The Gas Lighting continues and will all the way to the election.

Going a bit further You will know them by their fruits - silence is deafening obvious to they serve.

2024 Olympic Ceremony Biblical data analysis - Start with the obvious - the falling away and the rise of the reprobate. These are key cultural movements to understand in how to navigate in these prophetic times. There multiple pressure points and players waging war on Christians. On one hand the mainstream media gleefully covers the assault on Christian freedoms and decline of Christian worship and on the other with few exceptions ignores the rising murder and imprisonment of Christian everywhere.

We are living in the season of Christs return.

Ken DeMile

Ken DeMile is a martial artist, self-defense instructor, and technologist. He is former decorated national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Sport Ju Jitsu/MMA and Scottish Highland strength athlete competitor.

Ken has had the privilege of training, teaching, and learning from world class marital art teachers and fighters, as well as domestic and international military and police personnel.

Ken is the co-founder of DeMile Athletic Science DAS and DAS is a Seattle Washington based social media and software company that has developed patent pending wireless sports and tactical applications for measuring combative and fitness performance for individual / group training and competition.

Rank and Affiliations:

Blackbelt - Awarded by World Renowned Sijo James DeMile ( first generation student of Bruce Lee), and the Founder of Wing Chun Do,and former Special Forces Combatives Instructor with 1st Group.

Black Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF member/Competitor

Instructor - Cardio Self-Defense

Co-Founder of

Certified Krav Maga Instructor -WWKM

Certified - USCCA Concealed Firearm & Home Defense Instructor

Certified USA Boxing Coach - USA Olympic Coach Tom Mustane

Certified CrossFit Trainer

Certified AFAA Fitness Trainer


Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology

Competition and Awards:

2017 IBJJF World Masters Championship Division Gold Medalist and Absolute Bronze Medalist

2015 IBJJF Seattle International Championship Gold Medalist

2007 Can American Scottish Highland Games Amatuer Champion

2002 Special Force Combatives Reaction Speed Award Champion - Thailand

1998 ISJJA World Championship -Bronze Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu Washington State Champion - Gold Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu PNW Regional Champion - Gold Medalist


The Bolshevik Spirit in America: How the Left's Hatred Targets Christianity and Freedom