Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.”

John 15:20

Christian persecution has reached unprecedented numbers and growing around the world. In 2023 - 365 million suffered high levels of persecution, with estimated number being killed on average every five minutes.

With this realty before us, our mission is to inform, equip, and exhort Christians that still have the means to act and speak freely to stay healthy, strong, and to become a more capable apologetic in the sharing the Gospel, in defending the faith and in supporting our brothers & sisters suffering from persecution and subjugation under oppressive and totalitarian regimes.

The reality of persecution is confirmed in Matthew 11:12…

“The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force”.

This scripture is critical to understand because the Kingdom of Heaven is the earthly realm that we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. It is currently ruled by Satan and his earthly proxies (The Kings of the earth Rev 6:12-17) operating now under the guise of President, Prime Minister, Corporate Heads, Academic gatekeepers, Apostates, and Celebrity worship etc.…

(John 12:31, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 4:8-9, Matthew 25:41-43, and 2 Corinthians 4:4.)

Satan, fallen angels, demons, referred to in today’s parlance as (interdimensional beings) and earthly proxies wage war against those that live in the Kingdom of God- Luke 13:28-29 and that is the follower of Jesus Christ! The one that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and follows God’s commands!

(Luke 17:20-21)

Understanding this distinction is necessary to understanding why Christians are targets for persecution and how each of us should prepare for this battle.

Satan and his world system wages war of a hate against God and destruction of His followers because they are devoted to physically, spiritually, mentally, and politically resisting the godless machinations of immorality, tyranny, deception, apostasy, and blasphemy, that is in opposition God’s prescription for life, liberty, truth, and salvation.

Depending on one’s geography, violence and persecution comes in different forms and degrees.

As such, every true follower of Jesus Christ should expect to find themselves in the cross hairs of a world system that is controlled by Satan and his adherents.

(2 Corinthians 4:4)

Christians face varying degrees of persecution across a broad spectrum. If one is a Christian in China, the middle east, India, or Nigeria Africa -they have no political power, they are steeped in starvation and poverty with little to no capacity to physically defend themselves in environments where they routinely massacred, tortured, and imprisoned. In these regions a Christian is murdered every few minutes and their townships and property are either destroyed or seized.

If you’re a Christian in the West one does not readily suffer physical persecution, but what has become commonplace is – Christian churches are vandalized or destroyed, believers are fired, mocked, vilified, arrested, sued, their children are forced to accept Marxism, Satanism, pagan worship, censorship, subject to bigotry, and assaulted by mobs of nihilists all for professing, and trying to hold true to Biblical tenets and the worship of Jesus Christ.

To summarize, regardless of geography, we are all born into war, a war that began eons ago and this war is intensifying in this most prophetic time Jesus Christ walked the earth.

As such we exhort each other to put on “The Full Armor of God” Ephesian 6:10-17” so that we may be able to stand against the forces of darkness with our mind, body, and soul until Christ returns or we are called home.

Please support TFW mission by buying our supplement and apparel products to help raise awareness and support for institutions that deliver aid and comfort to persecuted Christians around the world. Also please register and subscribe to access to ongoing education programs through our podcast partner for apologetic and modern self-defense training.

Thank You,

In His Name,

The Fittest Warrior Team

Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Luke 17:20-21