America's Struggle: Christian Persecution, Economic Hardships, and the Clash with Reprobate Forces"

Mainstreet America continues to struggle under the weight of high fuel and grocery prices, inflation, gaslighting, bogus moral lectures about climate change given from private jet airplanes and sprawling estates along with illegal surveillance and censorship under the Spector of evil disguised as the “greater good”. Meanwhile the open persecution of Christian working and middle class in America continues with the rise of reprobate forces in media and the culture.

The reprobate enemies of God show their brazen depravity as they continue to insult and mock Kansas City Chiefs Kicker, Harrison Butker for upholding and defending the unborn and Gods purpose for men and women within the marriage covenant.

America’s ubiquitous acceptance of child sacrifice and assault on marriage, gender, and sexual purity is a dire warning that our empire is collapsing. This is not a secret to anyone that reads history, nor is it a surprise to anyone that knows how God deals with idolatry, sexual depravity, and murder of the innocent. Yet many suffer from a cognitive dissonance that is unable to see this trajectory of destruction that awaits unless America repents and diverts from its path to moral and physical defilement.

Marriage is the first institution God bestows upon mankind; it is the foundational pillar of civilization. It is derived the “first principle” from when Man and Woman become one flesh spiritually and physically bringing forth the gift of children who perpetuate the cycle of life. There was a time when this reality was logically understood and embraced when America was once guided by more rational impulses with the recognition that adherence to precepts of Gods prescriptions and natures law as being necessary for a good and prosperous society.

But God has enemies, and His enemies hate what represents true love, truth, order, virtue, decency, freedom and His glory which is embodied the holy union between a Man and Women and the sanctity of life that comes from this union. However, this hate is nothing new, it is an ancient hate that travels through time like a virus that infects the host with a weakened immune system in servitude to evil and the earthly appetite for power, fame, and pleasure.

America is led by compromised narcisstic psychopaths who are infected with a virus of hatred towards God and liberty. The question is what should a man do with this enemy, well for starters the exact opposite of what the enemy wants or demands- which is submission. Submitting to evil is a sin and apologizing to people who are evil to avoid conflict under the guise of being a “ peace maker” is an insult to God “its appeasement"! and appeasement is act of weakness to an unforgiving enemy. Remember Satan doesn’t forgive- he uses and then destroys those who serve him for they are as the saying goes “ the useful idiots”. Let’s begin by not bowing to “useful idiots” and never apologize for proclaiming the truth of gospel!

Remember we must pray for enemies - but never appease them … appeasement emboldens evil.

May 26th 2024 AD -

The one thing that is consistent about evil it will always persecute truth and truth tellers.

Why does evil attack and try to suppress truth… truth saves lives! The truth about Covid 19 and the MRNA is now been exposed as a global extermination agenda and the evil doers responsible are enraged. Satans depopulation plan has been exposed for the lie that it always was and sadly millions of people have been murdered by it, yet many lives will now be saved by the courageous efforts of brave scientists such as Dr. Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and media pundits like Tucker Carlon, Stew Peters, and Alex Jones to name a few. However, today, I would like to particularly honor and thank Dr. Naomi Wolf.

Dr Wolf is a woman of tremendous intellect, courage, and conviction. With the talent of a Sherlock Holmes her investigative reporting uncovered the true purpose of the Covid 19 agenda and it is nothing less than wholesale depopulation of the planet via mass infertility and the fatal reactions now counted in the millions. In her recent book publications she also exposes how this MRNA weapon was specifically focused on the West and particular America. Which makes sense for two primary reasons -it houses millions of Christians and it has most wealth. The monsters behind this agenda want to capture the property and assets of Amercians and purge the West of its Christian DNA as they herd humanity down to the road to Revelations 13.

May 26th 2024 AD more commentary this coming week on Canaanites and the Canaanite leadership several thousand years ago, the same spirit of lust, greed, hubris, blasphemy, deviancy, defilement, and child sacrifice compels today’s Western political elite and their elite pay masters. As one pulls on the thread of history from Babylon, Canaan, Egypt, Greece Rome and what once Christendom (The West) we see the same pattern of defiance against God and this defiance someday is going to hit a wall of supernatural reckoning

Ken DeMile

Ken DeMile is a martial artist, self-defense instructor, and technologist. He is former decorated national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Sport Ju Jitsu/MMA and Scottish Highland strength athlete competitor.

Ken has had the privilege of training, teaching, and learning from world class marital art teachers and fighters, as well as domestic and international military and police personnel.

Ken is the co-founder of DeMile Athletic Science DAS and DAS is a Seattle Washington based social media and software company that has developed patent pending wireless sports and tactical applications for measuring combative and fitness performance for individual / group training and competition.

Rank and Affiliations:

Blackbelt - Awarded by World Renowned Sijo James DeMile ( first generation student of Bruce Lee), and the Founder of Wing Chun Do,and former Special Forces Combatives Instructor with 1st Group.

Black Belt - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF member/Competitor

Instructor - Cardio Self-Defense

Co-Founder of

Certified Krav Maga Instructor -WWKM

Certified - USCCA Concealed Firearm & Home Defense Instructor

Certified USA Boxing Coach - USA Olympic Coach Tom Mustane

Certified CrossFit Trainer

Certified AFAA Fitness Trainer


Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Theology

Competition and Awards:

2017 IBJJF World Masters Championship Division Gold Medalist and Absolute Bronze Medalist

2015 IBJJF Seattle International Championship Gold Medalist

2007 Can American Scottish Highland Games Amatuer Champion

2002 Special Force Combatives Reaction Speed Award Champion - Thailand

1998 ISJJA World Championship -Bronze Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu Washington State Champion - Gold Medalist

1997 Sports Ju Jitsu PNW Regional Champion - Gold Medalist


Trump's Conviction and America's Future: A Call to Defend Freedom and Christian Values


America's Crisis: The War on Christian Liberty and the Rise of Globalist Tyranny